Friday 2 December 2011

Today we made our presentation class. I had worked hard on the presentation and was keen to hear the feedback from the others.
I feel that I could have worked more on the learning objectives but overall i am happy with what i had completed. Got a good response from the others assessing me. Much feedback and constructive discussion.
Also very rewarding to view others and see the imagination used in the different plans. Some great lessons created with superb use of the IWB tools.
Happy with how this went and keen to put all i have learnt into practice.

Saturday 26 November 2011

M Learning, Simulation/Programming and Playful Learning

Definition of mobile learning

Over the past 5 years there have been wide ranging debates about how to define, precisely, what mobile learning is. The difficulty in reaching a consensus is partially because of the rapid evolution of this as a field, and partially because mobile learning works best when it is a part of something else.

It perhaps best can be defined as:
Any activity that allows individuals to be more productive when consuming, interacting with, or creating information, mediated through a compact digital portable device that the individual carries on a regular basis, has reliable connectivity, and fits in a pocket or purse.

The term covers: learning with portable technologies including but not limited to handheld computers, notebooks and mobile phones. M-learning focuses on the mobility of the learner, interacting with portable technologies, and learning that reflects a focus on how society and its institutions can accommodate and support an increasingly mobile population. There is also a new direction in MLearning that adds mobility of the instructor and includes creation of learning materials "on-the-spot, "in the field. Using mobile tools for creating learning aides and materials becomes an important part of informal learning.
Such hand held devices allow children to record hat they see/hear, using camera, video recorders or audio records, games consoles and GPS devices. Students can benefit from using mobile devices in the classroom to enhance group collaboration among students and instructors.

Applications outdoors could include:

Learning in museums or galleries with handheld or wearable technologies
Learning outdoors, for example on field trips.

Other benefits can include:

Improving levels of literacy, numeracy and participation in education amongst young adults.
Using the communication features of a mobile phone as part of a larger learning activity (e.g.: sending media or texts into a central portfolio, or exporting audio files from a learning platform to your phone).


The opportunities for children to learn from play is endless and access to numerous computer games has opened up a whole new area of games based learning. Teachers must consider how they too  can incorporate this into the classroom and take advantage of children's capacity to enjoy and indulge in games based activities. At home many have the chance to play on Wii, X box,iphone,home laptops and so forth. 

The following are some of the examples of games that pupils may make use of in the modern primary school classroom.

An online tool that generates varying different layouts , fonts and arrangements of words. There is  an endless variety of options of how the words put in can be displayed. This would be a perfect way to get pupils excited and interested in language, words, spelling and so forth.

This without is a fun application and would create a buzz in a class and leave pupils excited about the visual impact of seeing words of all variety.


Another online tool that gives pupils the chance to create their own talking character. Once again this brings a fun and creative element into the classroom. A voice can be attached to the character and the creative opportunities are endless giving children the chance to express themselves and learn at the same time.

Using Speaking Avatar or Voki for Teaching

A Voki is a talking voice character, a computer-generated version of oneself. The more generic term for a Voki is a speaking avatar, a digital representation of a person or being. Teachers and educators are discovering some of the unique roles these speaking avatars can play in education particularly in the online classroom.

For teachers these speaking avatars can add a more "human" element to the online class website or blog. It is especially useful for those of us who may not be all that great with video taping or vodcasting.

Instructors can use a voki avatar to introduce the course or topics. It can also be used to aid in instructing those who are more audio/visual learners. Voki is also a great way to get shy students involved or to share comments with students in other countries.

One teacher offers her own glowing report of just how useful and effective Voki can be:

Using Voki for oral tests allows the student to hear what I hear. I can’t tell you how many times students would ask, “Why didn’t I make a 100 on my oral test?” I would point out that they mispronounced a word, or said a wrong word and they would reply, “I did?” Using Voki allows the students to hear themselves, as an evaluator, and they can re-record until they’re happy with it, and attach the recording to a Voki, making the assessment creative. Students who use to make low assessment grades on oral tests are making perfect scores taking their oral tests using Voki. Efficient and Proficient!!!!

Dance to Advance

A great game that can be utilised n the classroom. The pupil stands on the dance matt infront of the computer screen and is prompted by whatever questions depending on the lesson directive. It can be played with more than one dancer and other children could be involved too helping out either on the computer or by calling out suggestions. It clearly combines the fun of the physical play with learning.

  • Exciting game format engages audio, visual, and kinesthetic learners
  • Create stimulating activities using text, sound, and pictures
  • Edit and update pre-existing activities
  • 1 or 2 player mode
  • Customize player experience with a choice of characters, backgrounds, and music
  • Select single, multiple, or sequential Dance Mat response types
  • 3 rounds of increasing difficulty to challenge students
  • High score table
  • No additional software required

Thursday 10 November 2011


The introduction of ICT into the classroom has allowed a far greater opportunity for 
children to expand learning through the use of webcams, digital video, Talk Time cards and podcasts.


The podcast is a series of digital media files that are released episodically through web syndication. Files are stored locally on the users computer or other device ready for offline use.

A podcast is like a radio show. However, instead of being broadcast live, a podcast is recorded and then distributed over the internet, so that you can listen to it whenever you please. There are thousands of podcasts available, ranging from general interest entertainment shows to those which focus on specific topics (e.g. computers / music / education).

Podcasting is a wonderful way of allowing children to share their work and experiences with a potentially huge audience over the Internet. Schools are increasingly using the internet to promote what they do, and to celebrate the achievements of their children, and podcasting is an excellent way of doing this.

A school podcast can range from a single recorded story which is put onto the school website, to a weekly radio show with music and interviews which visitors can subscribe to using an RSS feed. How you make up your podcast is up to you.
The basic equipment you need is a computer with some kind of recording ability (an internal or external microphone) and some recording software.You can then upload this to your school website.


Students love taking pictures as much as they love being in them.  They benefit from using digital cameras because they learn first hand the ease and immediacy of using digicams.

Most of my students aren’t aware of the different types of graphics, but they can understand how it’s much more convenient to save pictures onto a disk which can be popped into a disk drive and transferred to a computer right away, as opposed to taking pictures with a regular camera, sending film to be developed, getting the pictures back, and then discovering that half of the pictures they took weren’t usable.  

They also realize that they’re saved the trouble of scanning, saving, and doing a lot of editing of photos, since this is all done on the camera itself.  They also learn that pictures can be easily viewed on a screen or Smart Board, or emailed as attachments.

Using digital photography helps the student become more involved with the subject.  Younger are guided in “deciding” what they will photograph and the purpose behind the project.  Then they are responsible for carrying it out, with my supervision. Older students can decide for themselves what the project will be, and after  approval, they complete it. 

The process becomes a cognitive one as the students reason and plan what pictures to take and why those pictures are needed.  Random snapshots are okay sometimes, but the students quickly learn to be selective when using the camera.
It's also very easy to simply print out pictures onto paper (laser printers do a good job of keeping the pictures clear).  You can purchase actual photographic paper to print on, but for most projects copy paper works just fine.  


These highly intuitive cards allow pupils to either insert a drawing or photo in a plastic pouch on the front of the card (Mini and A5 sized cards) or use a dry wipe pen to write and draw directly on to the surface of the card (A4 cards). The cards feature a built-in digital sound recording chip, that enables the pupil or teacher to record a brief voice file to describe the drawing on the card, so providing a valuable tool for reinforcing letter; word and shape to sound recognition and number bonding activities. The larger A4 cards are also ideal for creating video or animation storyboards.


Digital video is becoming ubiquitous in all aspects of life. Children and adults are increasingly using video in their leisure time, producing films on all manner of topics which they are then able to publish worldwide. In addition to this, the revised NLS framework puts particular emphasis on the use of digital video and understanding of digital media.
It’s important that the opportunities we provide for pupils in school at least match those that they have at home, but film making can be complicated and time consuming. Many schools do not have access to digital video cameras, or the accessories required to upload their films to the computer.


The practitioner lacked confidence in using ICT and was initially unsure about how digital video could be used to support assessment practices. However she was prepared to explore the technology and the impact of the project on her use of ICT was probably the greatest, as over a short period of time her increasing confidence in the use of the technology became clearly evident, including sharing her knowledge of how to use the digital movie maker with other teachers at the school.
Following discussion about the possible uses of digital video, the practitioner planned to take clips of identified children and create learning stories for them. Through the clips that were taken the practitioner was able to demonstrate the progress one identified child was making with his increased participation in activities and developing relationships with other children in the setting.
During the course of the project the practitioner, in addition to documenting the learning of one child, took clips and photographs of children in a range of situations and annotated the clips to show evidence for Foundation Stage profiles.
The practitioner found the great benefits of having the digital movie maker in her classroom were that it was easy to use, very accessible and enabled an immediacy to the recording of children’s achievements, as well as enabling her to share clips with them. As a consequence of her involvement in the project, the practitioner, who had previously avoided having an interactive whiteboard in her classroom has now requested the installation of a board, as she can see the benefits that it can have in sharing resources and to children’s learning.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Digital Media and Computer Control across The Classroom

This introduces the concept of a computer and its software as a digital hub for a range of sources of digital media that can be used themselves as tools for teaching and learning in the classroom.
Schools can now use programmable toys to aid teaching and introduce computer technology and its uses to children at a n early stage and in a fun way.

We looked specifically at The Roamer, The Pixie and The Beebot.

Bee-Bot is a visually attractive, audible easily handle able programmable floor robot which can be used to support the development of skills in a wide range of areas. It allows learners to give a range of instructions from simple to more complex. Pupils with SEN could use it to develop one, two and three stage sequences using a variety of activity mats.

The programmable floor robot, the Bee-Bot is a perfect starting point for teaching control, directional language and programming to young children.
It can be used for the development of fine motor skills by using the directional buttons. It can support imaginative play through the use of commercial or school designed covers. It allows learners to demonstrate skills in ways that a traditional approach would not support. A positive ICT resource for early Years.
PIPPIN and PIXIE are programmable vehicles for use in primary schools, nurseries and playgroups. Each is a rectangular box with wheels underneath and a keyboard on top. Children program them to carry out activities such as knocking skittles over or carrying a book across the classroom.

Data Logging Within The Classroom

Data logging is commonly used in scientific experiments and in monitoring systems where there is the need to collect information faster than a human can possibly collect the information and in cases where accuracy is essential. Examples of the types of information a data logging system can collect include temperatures, sound frequencies, vibrations, times, light intensities, electrical currents, pressure and changes in states of matter.

The logging and saving of information provides for increased knowledge and sometimes improved management of how and why different processes work. Many loggers archive information such as temperature using sensors and then convert the information into electrical signals. The data is archived and once retrieved can be filtered and properly understood.
As the stand-alone is specifically designed for data logging it is able process data faster, more efficiently and can have far more sensors than a PC. The information from the stand-alone logger can then be transferred to a personal computer.
Data logging is used in a variety of situtations. An easy example is the black box recorder in an airplane, which gathers information on the plane's flight to be used later. Another is a weather system logger used by meteorologists to detect temperature and pressure in order to determine upcoming weather conditions.

Data logging provides for the gathering of statistics which are used to give a better understanding of the field you are working in. The information is needed in all types of businesses to determine performance, quality, efficiency cost cutting, fuel consumption and many other vital information uses.
Over the years there has been an evolution in data logging and the type of loggers that are used. In the past, the equipment was bulky and mechanical, using huge paper chart recorders. Now, sophisticated computers and microprocessors retrieve the information in far more detail than could have been processed previously.

Loggers are used in everyday life unknowingly by you the public.
The next time that you are in a supermarket and hand over your credit card or store card, a data logging device may track your spending movements by the store. It can assess which items you have bought, how many times a month you buy them and even, how many times you use the store.
In today's society nearly all information from the weather to our shopping habits ends up in a data logger. The information is archived and saved for use at a later date.

Tuesday 25 October 2011


As the impact of the introduction of computers in the classroom continues it needs to keep pace with the improvements in technology. This offers even further ways to open up the teaching possibilities.
The next step on from Interactive White Boards is the introduction of Learning Platforms.

The virtual 
learning environment provides a place for teachers, students and parents to access resources , information and be part of a shared community on line. This common place for people to interact offers many oppurtunities for further learning and continued engagement outside of the classroom.
The managed learning environment allows the administrators to track and monitor this at any time.

A Virtual Learning Environment is now a key component for schools in providing a learning process and facilities for individual students.
It includes a secure workspace area for each student on the network, which is accessible from any point on the network and over the internet via a secure link. In this workspace area, students can access work assignments and curriculum content; and deliver completed work for tutors to assess.
The VLE should also provide a facility for tracking student activity, to allow tutors to define and set up a course with accompanying materials and activities to direct, guide and monitor learner progress. And to empower supporters of the education process, viewer access can also be provided to parents and other parties as appropriate.

Support for on-line learning, including access to learning resources, assessment and guidance. The learning resources may be self developed or professionally authored and purchased materials that can be imported and made available for use by learners.
Schools in the UK are now required to have a Virtual learning in place for their students.

+Communication between the learner, the tutor and other learning support specialists to provide direct support and feedback for learners, as well as peer-group communications that build a sense of group identity and community of interest Links to other administrative systems, both in-house and externally.

The following are various applications within the VLE 

use discussion boards
undertake tests and surveys
share information
organise time and resources
link teaching and learning applications and activities with managed information systems.
share files     


  • difficult to change/update
  • requires access to PC
  • hard to take account of whatever hardware the students have to work with off-campus
  • webcasts received over the Web require a fast modem and/or considerable bandwidth 
  • e-learning itself is not yet in line with established study patterns (for example, bulletin boards are unfamiliar as a way of learning)
  • more difficult to ‘sell on’ any part of a VLE course unless it is SCORMcompliant
  • less opportunity for independent searching and serendipity
  • reduces face to face contact

knowledge Box

We looked at and used Knowledge Box in the lesson.
Knowledge Box Online is the most versatile bank of engaging digital resources and lesson plans to support your everyday teaching across the primary curriculum - and it's all available online.

Easy to search by curriculum objective, topic, subject, year group or Key Stage.Plan from home - access and play with the resources at home 
Save your favourites - all ready to use in class.
From Foundation to Key Stage 2 

"I feel like Knowledge-Box has really helped me improve my maths skills and has made me 10 X more confident going into my maths GCSE exam. The teaching is good and helped me understand the easier methods to solve the difficult questions."
Timothy Katusiime
Year 11

Sunday 16 October 2011


The World Wide Web has grown at an enormous rate and has rapidly become part of our lives beyond all expectations.
Seen originally as a pool of human knowledge and human culture over time it has developed into what we now term as Web 2.0

The correct definition of this development is as follows:
Web 2.0 is a trend in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aims to facilitate creativity, information sharing and most notably, collaboration amongst users. These concepts have led to the development and evolution of web based communities and hosted services, such as social networking sites, wikis, blogs and folksonomies (also known as collaborative tagging, social classification, social indexing, and social tagging).

Although the term suggests a new version of the World Wide Web, it does not refer to an update to nay technical specifications, but ti changes in the ways software developers and end users use webs.

Examples of some of these new networking and social media sites are as follows:

Flickr                Skype           YouTube
Zoho                                 Facebook                            Myspace
Dropbox            Crazy Talk

And notably one of the fascinating tools to come about as a result of the broadening use of the Internet is:


Simply this is seen as an online publishing tool that enables people to easily publish their loves, passions, dislikes , hobbies and insights for the whole world to red and enjoy.
Clearly we cannot ignore the impact that this will have within schools and the broad usage that children and young people may make of it. Perhaps it is still early days to truly measure the impact this will have.

But for sure this humorous cartoon pokes fun at the change in this boys life.

Information and communications technologies are both pervasive symbols of modern society and essential business tools. Households have embraced them too for a variety of uses, from entertainment and shopping, to paying bills and searching for information.

With the wide use of computers, equipping students with computer skills has become an important goal of school systems across the country. The development of these skills forms part of school curriculum. Appropriate goals are set at each grade level, much as with knowledge and skills in other subject areas.

Why is Internet use important?

Internet use is a part of the statutory curriculum and a necessary tool for staff
and pupils. Also it is an essential element in 21st century life for education,
business and social interaction.  Therefore the school has a duty to provide
students with quality Internet access as part of their learning experience.  


The educational benefits of Internet access far outweigh the possible risks and good planning and management will ensure appropriate and effective pupil use.
Whilst regulation and technological solutions are very important their use must be balanced by teaching pupils to take a responsible approach, and this forms an essential part of the school’s e-safety provision.

How will the Internet provide effective learning?

The purpose of Internet access in school is to raise educational standards, to support the professional work of staff and to enhance the schools management of information and business administration systems. Internet access provides many high quality teaching and learning resources, some free, some subscription, as well as providing huge potential for research. 

Naturally this raises concerns over the safe usage of this new educational tool. The potential dangers for misuse is very real. This leads onto addressing what has become termed as E-Safety. The following points give examples of how schools may address this issue.

How will Internet access be authorised?

A school may write up what is termed as: "Pupils’ Home School Agreement" which will include the Rules For Responsible Internet Use which needs to be signed by pupils, parents/guardians and returned the school at the beginning of Reception and the beginning of KS2, or when a new pupil starts at the school.
Internet access will be granted to a whole class or individuals as part of a scheme of work, after suitable education in responsible Internet use. Older pupils may carry out their own Internet searches for research purposes and should know how to conduct searches safely and what to do if they come across something unsuitable. Pupils’ entitlement to use the Internet is based on their responsible use of it. Irresponsible use may result in this privilege being removed.

How will the risks be assessed?

In common with other media such as magazines, books and video, some material available via the Internet is unsuitable for pupils. The school will supervise pupils and take all reasonable precautions to ensure that users access only appropriate material. However, due to the international scale and linked nature of information available via the Internet, it is not possible to guarantee that unsuitable material will never appear on a terminal. Methods to identify, access and minimise risks will be reviewed regularly by ICT co-ordinators. 

Safeguards when accessing the Internet
The school Internet access will be designed expressly for pupil use and will
include ISP filtering as well as school filtering appropriate to the age of pupils.
Pupils will be taught what Internet use is acceptable and what is not and given
clear objectives for Internet use which will be planned to enrich and extend
learning activities.  Access levels will be reviewed to reflect the curriculum
requirements and age of pupils. For example at Key Stage 1, access to the
Internet will be by adult demonstration with occasional directly supervised access to specific, approved on-line materials, via the school’s intranet page. Only the older children, under direct supervision, will be able to use search engines.
access and they will be asked to sign and return a consent form which is attached in the appendix.
In common with other media such as magazines, books and video, some material available via the Internet is unsuitable for pupils.  The school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that users access only appropriate material. 

However, due to the international scale and linked nature of Internet content, it
is not possible to guarantee that unsuitable material will never appear on a
school computer.  Neither the school nor the LEA can accept liability for the
material accessed, or any consequences of Internet access.   

Social networking and mobile phones.

Social networking sites and personal emailing such as Bebo, MSN, Facebook, Hotmail, Yahoo mail, blogs etc are NOT allowed to be accessed by pupils in school.

Staff may use such sites that are allowed by the local authority filtering system but only when not teaching lessons.
Any digital communication between staff and pupils or parents (email / chat) should be professional in content.As part of the school’s e-safety education programme pupils and parents will be advised that they are inappropriate for primary aged children, pupils in KS2 will be taught about the potential risks and how to keep personal information safe.The purpose of this is to acknowledge (although not condoning) the reality that some children may already have access to social networking sites by this age.Each year group will have specific ICT/PHSE lessons dedicated to e-safety, as well as follow up assemblies. 

Pupils are not permitted to use or carry mobile phones within school. However, appropriate use of mobile phones will be taught to pupils as part of PSHE. Staff may use them only outside lessons, unless contacting the school when on a trip/course. 

Whiteboards in Education
There is no escaping the impact that Interactive White Boards IWB have had on schools world wide. Currently up to 85% of classrooms in the UK currently use IWB's. Designed  originally for the military, it has been within the realms of education that they have truly developed. 
Report by education researchers Robert Marzano and Mark Haystead entitled 'Evaluation Study of the Effects of Promethean ActivClassroom on Student Achievement looks into the impact of these systems within schools. The over riding conclusion being that the effectiveness of the Interactive White Board really comes down to the confidence and experience of the teacher using. Evidence shows that unless its utilised effectively it does not raise student achievement level.

The screen that is visible to the classroom as a whole is the screen of the computer. Thus one needs to understand how the traditional teaching environment will change. The problem has been that lessons planned for the new interactive whiteboards has been based either on traditional board use, or a methodology borrowed from conventional use of ICT seen as a solitary learning device. 

What are the benefits? 

Because interactive whiteboards are so like
conventional whiteboards, they can help
even technophobic teachers to use this
medium with ease for presentations from
the front of the room.
They help in broadening the use of e-learning
because they rapidly demonstrate the
potential of alternative modes of delivery.
They make it easy for teachers to enhance
presentation content by easily integrating a
wide range of material into a lesson, such
as a picture from the Internet, a graph from
a spreadsheet or text from a Microsoft Word
file, in addition to student and teacher
annotations on these objects.

They allow learners to participate in group
discussions by freeing them from note-taking.

They allow learners to work collaboratively
around a shared task or work area.

When fully integrated into a VLE (virtual
learning environment) and learning object
repository there is potential for widespread
sharing of resources.

When used for interactive testing of
understanding for the entire class, they can
rapidly provide learner feedback.

Some Disadvantages
  •  If the system crashes the lesson plan fails. You are at the mercy of the technology in use. Failing to prepare for this could be problematic.
  • Positioning of the children may be a problem and considerations for sunlight streaming into classes has to be looked into. Blacking out classrooms may be time consuming and create an environment less conducive to study.
  • You may simple become too dependant on the technology and perhaps loose some of he traditional skills that are important to the teacher and pupil relationship.
  • The children themselves can become frustrated if they feel the teacher is struggling with the technology.
  • Making the system interactive so that children can come up to the board and take part is crucial. Installation needs to be taken into consideration in terms of the height of the board. The overall placement of the IWB is crucial to its effectiveness. 
The overall failure of the teacher to fully utilise the IWB will negatively impact on the class teaching.  
Adopt Adapt and Innovate 
Teachers need to consider taking advantage of other useful resources that are out there on the web to aid their teaching but at the same time realise the need to change these lesson plans and recourse's to suit their needs and styles and  be creative.